Can I choose where I want to clean up?
Yes. During registration you will pick your cleanup site. To ensure all cleanup sites are covered, a maximum number of registrants per site is set. Register early and scope out your preferred site here.
What can I expect the morning of the event?
The day of the event, you may choose to join us for the ever-popular Ghidorzi Green and Clean kick-off at Corporate Cove, complete with fresh donuts and hot Starbucks coffee. Refreshments will be served starting at 8am, and volunteers will be deployed to their cleanup sites at 8:45am. Or you may report directly to the cleanup site you selected when you registered. Volunteers will clean up their registered site from 9-11am, leaving bags of trash in a visible roadside location. A driver will be assigned to each cleanup site and will make the rounds picking up the bags. The phone number of your site’s trash pick-up driver will be on your printed site map.
How and where do I register?
Register online by Friday, April 11 to guarantee your free t-shirt. Participants registering after April 11 are not guaranteed a t-shirt. Registration closes at noon on Friday, April 25.
How do I get my free t-shirt, trash bags, site map and gloves?
Safety green t-shirts, trash bags, printed site maps, and gloves will be available to pick up on Monday, April 21 through Thursday, April 24 from 8:30am to 4:30pm from the Ghidorzi Office at Union Station located at 2100 Stewart Avenue. Or you may pick up your items at the Event Kickoff on April 26! *Please note that supply kit pickup will be unavailable on Friday, April 25, as supplies need to be moved to the kick-off site.
If you are unable to pick up during these times, please contact and a different pickup time may be accommodated.
What neighborhoods are being cleaned up?
Ghidorzi Green and Clean benefits the entire Greater Wausau community. Our cleanup sites are located throughout Wausau, Rib Mountain, Schofield, Weston and Rothschild. Sites can be viewed on our cleanup sites page.
What do I need to bring?
Safety green t-shirts, trash bags and gloves will be provided. Weather-appropriate work clothing and shoes are advised.
Can I sign a waiver for someone else?
You may only sign waivers for yourself and your minor children. A signed waiver is required for each volunteer to participate.
Is there a cost to participate?
No, we only ask that you volunteer your time to make the Wausau Metro Area a greener place to live.
What if it rains?
The event will take place rain or shine.
Can I just show up without registering?
All volunteers must register so we can account for event participants and plan accordingly.
Can my whole family help?
Yes, the event is a great activity for families with children of all ages, provided a parent is present to supervise and take responsibility for children. Kid-friendly cleanup sites are marked with a star on our cleanup sites page.
What parks are included in the cleanup?
Marathon Park, Riverlife Park, Athletic Park, Oak Island Park, Whitewater Park, Hammond Park, City Hall Park, 400 block park, McIndoe Park and Yawkey Park.